Friday, March 09, 2007

All my posts are mixed bags these days, aren't they?

So it seems they released finished shots of the S-Strain figures. Sara and Lottie look pretty good, I think, although I wonder what it is that Lottie's standing on. Mercurion spillage? As for Sara, I like her base, but I kinda miss the trial wooden base for some reason. Either way, they look pretty cool. Danny's already posted some shots, so I won't. It also seems that these two won't be the only ones out, just the first batch, but I think I want one of them anyway. Now which one...

In other news, know any potential voice actors? I play around in fandubs from time to time, but I've got some really serious friends that want to go professional. I bring this up because it seems that the Japanese are getting in on the AVA scene. The link? Victor Entertainment's holding auditions for the heroine of a new series. I wonder if maybe the American companies should start doing that for their licensing announcement marketing, instead of ripping off the Haruhi thing before it gets old.

Getting back to less than three news items per day. Means more coverage for the ones you do take!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey i would like to know the meaning of your name sana plz send it to